Does the Virus Infect? Petya virus can infiltrate devices with all Windows Fax Lists operating systems connected to the internet. How Many Systems in Turkey and in the World Was Affected by the Fax Lists Attack? In the statement made by the Information Security Academy (BGA), it was stated that the damages of the Fax Lists virus have not yet been clearly identified. In the statement; “It is not yet known exactly how many systems are affected by this malware, but according to Shodanhq, the number of computers in.
The world that are likely to contain this vulnerability is 1,000,000, which gives Fax Lists us information about where the results of the vulnerability will go. In Turkey, the situation seems to be a little better, the number of computers that are affected by the Petya vulnerability seems to be around 15,000. As a result Fax Lists of our own research, the number of servers in Turkey that will be directly affected by this malware is approximately 2,000.” Statements were included. What Should a Corporate Company Employee Do, How Can He Take Fax Lists Precautions? BGA explains the measures to be taken to protect users from viruses as follow.
If there are any of the systems serving the Internet with 445/TCP ports Fax Lists open, closing them. Strengthen your antispam service against phishing attacks, make sure to perform SPF, Fax Lists DMARC, DKIM checks. Review user authorizations and ensure that they work with the lowest authorization principle. Avoid using joint accounts and create accounts specific to each system. Review file sharing access and Fax Lists editing permissions in corporate networks, if users need read permissions.